Gridiron Football Club Golf Outing and Reunion

gridiron event

The Panther Gridiron Club hosts an annual golf outing and biennial on-campus reunion in support of Panther Football. 

8th Annual Gridiron Golf Outing
Friday, June 20, 2025

Owl's Nest Vineyard Course
3 Country Club Dr, Ashland, NH 


2nd Annual Gridiron Reunion
Friday-Saturday, June 20-21, 2025


$190 per golfer* Registration is all-inclusive including participant gift, contests, raffle, and full dinner served at the conclusion of the tournament .
*All golfers are encouraged to bring a minimum of $10 per player to support the Friends of Leo Foundation/ALS. Please bring to Tony at check-in on day of event.

Check in starts at 8am, Tee-off at 9:30am.
Scramble format • Dinner and Award ceremony following around 3pm.

All proceeds are applied to the Plymouth State Football program and Lou Desloges Press Box fund, which goes toward the west grandstand for Panther Field.