Decision Point II

Decision Point II requirements should be completed by the end of year three, fall semester.

All education programs have minimum GPA requirements to be accepted into Teacher Certification Candidacy. By the end of the semester preceding your internship, you must have the minimum cumulative GPA required by your program.

The NH Codes of Conduct and Ethics apply to all educators in NH, including college students in field work and internships. Read and familiarize yourself with these documents.

Submit the Internship in Teaching Application

The Internship in Teaching Application notifies the Holmes Center that you have completed coursework and Decision Point requirements and are ready to have your internship placement assignment for the following year.  Submit your application before your internship semester as follows :

  Fall Internships February 15  (prior spring semester)
  Spring Internships April 15 (prior spring semester)
  Year-long Internships February 15 (prior spring semester)

Choose the applicable button below to access the correct application.

Note: If the deadline for your internship application is nearing and you have not yet met Decision Point I requirements, you must complete an and make an for approval. Failure to meet Decision Point I requirements when the application is due can lead to a delay in your internship.

³È×ÓÊÓƵapp Educator Preparation Programs are approved by the New Hampshire State Board of Education and reviewed by the New Hampshire Council for Teacher Education (NHCTE). Completion of a PSU Educator Preparation Program (EPP) leads to recommendation for endorsement for the Beginner Educator Licensure with the New Hampshire Department of Education. Upon completion of an EPP, candidates may also request verification of program completion to other states. For information on reciprocity and obtaining a teaching license in a state other than NH, please contact the Holmes Center for assistance, You can also contact the Department of Education for the state in which you are interested in pursuing licensure. Reciprocity does not mean an educator license from one state is automatically exchanged for a license in another state. The educator may have to complete additional requirements, such as coursework, assessments, or classroom experience, before receiving a full professional certificate in the new state.