Art History (Minor)

Art History (Minor)
art restoration demo

What can I do with an art history degree?

The art history program prepares students for exciting careers in museums, galleries, arts administration, classrooms, and more. You’ll develop a wide range of skills including critical and creative thinking, advanced research and writing, and effective communication—all of which are highly desirable in the job market and are transferable to a broad range of professional opportunities, including

  • Museum or gallery professional (e.g., director, curator, registrar, exhibit designer, educator)
  • Art conservator
  • Historic preservationist
  • Art administrator
  • Media librarian
  • Art critic

Please see complete information on  to earn a minor at ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements
´¡±áÌý1150Art History Foundations: Prehistory to 1400 (GACO)4
´¡±áÌý1160Art History Foundations: 1400-19404
´¡±áÌý3000Contemporary Art Since 1940 (GACO,WRCO)4
AH3000/4000 level Art History course or4
Total Credits16
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