Hon Lo ’99: “I want to support Plymouth State”

Since he was young, Hon Lo ’99 has always been a mathematics aficionado with a deep interest in finance. When he found out about Plymouth State’s stellar business management program, he naturally decided to be a Panther.
As a hardworking individual with humble roots, Lo dove deep into his studies while working as an on-campus resident assistant and delivering pizza and Chinese food all four years at school. Being able to pay his tuition and make his own car payments gave him a sense of satisfaction and pride.
“My favorite hang-out spot was the HUB. Whenever I had spare time, I’d play a few games of pick-up basketball and lift weights in the gym,” says Hon, who recently moved to North Tustin, CA, with his wife, Mei, and their son and daughter.
Throughout his four years at PSU, Hon was a work study student in Hyde Hall, taking on administrative tasks for Professor Harding. However, that is not the reason why he recently became the first major gift donor to the Hyde Hall renovation campaign. He just wanted to help.
“I want to support Plymouth State in general,” he says, noting he is philanthropic by nature and has long donated to the University as well as his high school. “I hope that everyone gets a chance regardless of their financial circumstances. It will allow them to do better down the road.”

Plymouth State is embarking on a major renovation to Hyde Hall, home of the School of Applied Business, to modernize building systems and reconfigure classrooms and student engagement spaces over the next three years. A campaign goal of $8-10 million will support advanced technology common to industry and leading business schools.
In his career, Lo is also focused on helping his clients do better for their future. A Hong Kong native who moved to Vermont when he was 13, Hon started out in an entry-level position at John Hancock, where he obtained his financial licenses and sold mutual funds and annuity products.
In April 2000, Lo joined Fidelity Investments and has been with the company ever since. He worked at the firm’s offices in Merrimack until 2004 before he made the move across the country to Irvine, CA. He is now serving as a vice president financial consultant with the company.
“I love helping my clients build their financial plans and grow their accounts and assets,” he says. “Everyone’s situation is different. My job is to help create a financial plan that aligns to their goals. It’s always unique and never boring at all. I look forward to going to work every day.”
Many of his colleagues are Ivy League graduates, but Hon believes he was just as well-prepared for his career by Plymouth State. “It was a combination of the school, the community, the professors and the people I met and where my life took me,” he says.