School Psychology (M.Ed) or (Ed.S.)

School Psychology (M.Ed) or (Ed.S.)
Student setting up scientific equipment outside. Hands-on activities aid in student satisfaction and retention.

A professional preparation program with an emphasis on personal and interpersonal growth in addition to academic excellence.



ճEdS/MEd in School Psychology is a National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)-approved 69-credit program designed for individuals who desire-12certification in school psychology at the state and/ornational level. Those who already possess a master’s degree in a related field(..,general education,special education, counseling)should apply to the program at theEdSlevel. All others should apply to the program at theEdS/MEd level.The MEd is earned after completion of 33 credits toward theEdS.ThePSU School Psychology Program meets the NASP 2020 Professional Standardsand theNew Hampshire Department of Education Certification Standardsforschool psychologists.

ճprogramaims toprepareschool psychologists who understand and are sensitive to the needs of the individuals with whom they workand emphasizes those abilities that enable practitionersto not onlypromote the developmentand psychological well-beingof childrenand adolescentsin direct ways, but also through consultation and the initiation of systemic change.In addition, this program aims to nurture social and emotional development and increase democratic participation and intellectual curiosity in both emerging school psychologists and the students they serve.Anemphasisof the program is on working as a member of a collaborative team.Coursework focuses onunderpinnings of neurological development and its’ impact on learning and behavior.

The school psychology program’s vision is consistent with the SchoolPsychology Counselor EducationOrganizationalLeadershipDepartment'svision: “The Programs envision a world that cultivates human worth and dignity that honors all dimensions of diversity by fostering greater democratic participation and empowering individual and collective voices.

In this professional preparation program, emphasis is placed on personal and interpersonal growth in addition to academic excellence. The program is structured so thatcandidatesprogress through a foundational core of knowledge, skill development, and application. This is facilitated by a sequence of field experiences that progressively assist students to connect theory with practice. The pre-practicum experience is integrated into FoundationsofSchool Psychology (SY 6010) and includes25 hours ofshadowing a school psychologist in a school setting. Students complete two practicum experiences, each 150 hours, priortoenrolling in internship. Finally, the 1,200-hour internship places students in settings allowingthem to experience the full range of activitiesthat are associated with the role of the school psychologist.While completing their internship experiences, students must be able to attend weekly seminars.


All requiredfoundational andprofessional courses must be successfully completed before students can enroll in the internship experience.Candidatesmust contact the program coordinator during the term prior to their internship experience in order to make appropriate arrangements. The deadlines are October 1 for the winter and spring terms and February 1 for the fall term (or the first business day of those months).

Candidatesin the School Psychology program must successfully complete a 1,200-hour comprehensivepublic-schoolinternship in school psychology that spans the K–12 grade levels in order to demonstrate and further develop relevant competencies. Students may complete up to 600 hours in a clinical setting. In order to be recommended for certification as a school psychologist, students must complete 12 credits of School Psychology Internship and Seminar (SY 7800).

Comprehensive Assessment&Praxis II

School psychology candidatesareexpected to develop an electronic portfolio based on the New HampshireDepartment of EducationSchool PsychologyStandards andthe NASP 2020Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services. This portfolio will be reviewed and completed during the internship. Candidates must also submitapassing scoreof 147on the PraxisSchool Psychologist test#5402prior to completion of the program.

Requirements for certification may change, subject to changes made by the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHDOE).School Psychologycandidates can find the latest NHDOE standards at Ed 614.06).

Request Information


Curriculum & Requirements

Those who hold a master’s degree in a closely related area (e.g., special education, counseling) should apply directly to the EdS program.All others should apply to the MEd and EdS programs.

EdS in School Psychology, K-12 Certification Curriculum Requirements

Course Title Credits
Professional Component
SY7000Cognition and Learning: From Theory to Practice3
SY7100Behavioral Assessment, Analysis, and Intervention3
SY7200Administering Individual Intelligence Tests3
SY7300Educational Assessment & Consultation3
SY7400Social/Emotional/Behavioral Assessment3
SY7500Principles of School Neuropsychology3
K-12 Certification Component
SY7600Practicum I: Assessment, Intervention, & Consultation3
SY7700Practicum II: Integration and Case Studies3
SY7800School Psychology Internship and Seminar12
Total Credits36

Note: Students who complete the program will be eligible to apply for national certification in School Psychology (NCSP), which is granted by the National School Psychology Certification Board. The University’s school psychology graduate program is approved by the New Hampshire Department of Education and is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).

MEd in School Psychology, non-certification

Course Title Credits
CO5020Counseling Skills3
CO5040Diversity and Advocacy in Helping Relationships3
CO5050Advanced Human Development3
CO5070Research Design in the Helping Professions3
CO5130Psychopharmacology and the Biological Basis of Mental Health3
CO5260Counseling Theories and Personality3
CO5650Critical Issues in Schools3
CO5770Psychopathology: Disorders of Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood3
CO5780Working with Youth and Systems3
SY5300Foundations and Multicultural Aspects of Parenting3
SY6010Foundations-School Psychology3
Total Credits33

Optional Concentrations in this Major

EdS in School Psychology, Eating Disorders Institute

Course Title Credits
CO5150Eating Disorders Clinical3
CO5160Eating Disorders: Awareness and Prevention3
CO5170Treatment Modalities for Eating Disorders3
CO5180Nutrition Fundamentals and Counseling in the Recovery of Eating Disorders3
CO5190Medical and Physiological Aspects of Eating Disorders3
Total Credits15

EdS in School Psychology, Play Therapy

Course Title Credits
CO5210Dynamic Play Therapies1
CO5220Child Centered Play Therapy1
CO5240Expressive Play Therapies1
CO5250Special Populations in Play Therapy1
Add 4 Elective Play Therapy Courses4
Adlerian Play Therapy
Special Topics: Play Therapy
Group Play Therapy
Nature Based Play Therapy
Play Therapy in School
Family Play Therapy
Play Therapy with Traumatized Children
Total Credits8

EdS in School Psychology, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS)

Course Title Credits
SE5563Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Universal Interventions3
SE5564Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Comprehensive and Intensive Interventions3
SE5568Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Facilitation and Leadership3
Total Credits12

School Psychology Training Objectives. Graduate of PSU's School Psychology program...
  1. Understand and utilize assessment methods for identifying strengths and needs; for developing effective interventions, services, and programs; and for measuring progress and outcomes withing a multitiered system of supports.
  2. Understand varied models and strategies of consultation and collaboration applicable to individuals, families, groups, and systems, as well as methods to promote effective implementation of services.
  3. Understand the biological, cultural, and social influences on academic skills; human learning, cognitive, and developmental processes; and evidence-based curricula and instructional strategies.
  4. Understand the biological, cultural, developmental, and social influences on mental and behavioral health.
  5. Understand systems' structures, organization, and theory; general and special education programming; implementation science; and evidence-based school-wide practices that promote learning, positive behavior, and mental health.
  6. Understand principles and research related to social-emotional well-being, resilience, and risk factors in learning, mental and behavioral health, services in schools and communities to support multitiered prevention and health promotion, and evidence-based strategies for creating safe and supportive schools.
  7. Understand principles and research related to family systems, strengths, needs, and cultures; evidence based strategies to support positive family influences on children's learning and mental health; and strategies to develop collaboration between families and schools.
  8. Have knowledge of and inherent respect for individual differences, abilities, disabilities, and other diverse characteristics and the effects that they have on development and learning.
  9. Have knowledge of research design, statistics, measurement, and varied data collection and analysis techniques sufficient for understanding research, interpreting data, and evaluating programs in applied settings.
  10. Have knowledge of the history and foundations of school psychology; multiple service models and methods; ethical, legal, and professional standards; and other factors related to professional identity and effective practice.

The EdS in School Psychology is a National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) approved 69-credit program designed for individuals who desire certification in school psychology at the state and national level.
Our program focuses on preparing school psychologists who are uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. By applying expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, school psychologists are able to help children and youth succeed academically, behaviorally, and emotionally. As a school psychologist you will partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community.
The EdS in School Psychology is open to students who hold a master’s degree in a closely related area (e.g., special education, counseling) by applying directly to the EdS program with the post-master’s option. All other applicants should select the EdS with master’s program option.
PSU was recently awarded a $1.9 million Federal Behavioral Health and Workforce Education Training program grant – Learn More! The EdS in School Psychology is a professional preparation program with an emphasis on personal and interpersonal growth in addition to academic excellence. Our program is structured for students to progress through a foundational core of knowledge, skill development, and application.
A sequence of field experiences progressively assist students to connect theory with practice. The pre-practicum experience is integrated into Foundations of School Psychology (SY 6010) and includes shadowing a school psychologist in a school setting. Finally, the 1,200-hour internship places students in settings that allow them to experience the full range of actives that are associated with the role of the school psychologist. While completing their internship experiences, students must be able to attend weekly seminars in Plymouth.
The program can be completed in three years of full-time coursework by taking 3 classes each semester (fall/spring/summer). Many students opt to complete the program through part-time study taking 1-2 classes each semester over the course of 4-6 years.

Admission Information


The School Psychology programs require the following materials to be submitted through our online application:

  • Recommended 3.0 or better GPA in undergraduate coursework
  • Official transcripts from any/all college level work
  • Three professional recommendations
  • Participation in the Group Interview
  • Current Resume
  • Statement of interest
  • NH Residency Verification form (NH residents only)


Students pursuing School Psychology can apply for admission to any of the upcoming semesters. 

  • Fall – August 1 
  • Spring – December 1 
  • Summer – April 15 

*We suggest submitting your documentation at least two weeks prior to the posted date to ensure your application is complete and can be reviewed by the deadline. 

2024-25 Estimated Graduate Per Credit Tuition and Mandatory Fees

  New Hampshire Resident
Tuition Mandatory Fees Per Credit Total
Master’s Degrees/Certificates $584 $43 $627
CAGS $625 $43 $668
EDD $681 $43 $724
  Out-of-State Resident
Tuition Mandatory Fees Per Credit Total
Master’s Degrees/Certificates $809 $43 $852
CAGS $782 $43 $825
EDD $866 $43 $909

More information is available through the Student Financial Services Office

Graduate students are eligible for financial aid in the form of student loans only. You will need to complete the FAFSA at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester you wish to begin taking classes. International students are not eligible for federal financial aid – please review our international admission requirements to learn more.

More information can be found on the Student Financial Services website.

Each year, Plymouth State offers a limited number of merit-based scholarships to admitted graduate students. Selection criteria include academic and professional achievements, commitment to graduate study, and achievement or pursuit of personal or professional goals. Visit the  for additional information.

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