Physical Education (B.S.)

Physical Education (B.S.)
Students playing a round of spike ball in ALLWell North.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education offers students two professional focus areas: Physical Education Teacher Certification or Physical Education/Health Education Teacher Certification. The core courses of the Physical Education major provide the biological, psychological, philosophical, historical, and social/behavioral science principles in the study of physical activity, exercise, and sport. Students complete the core coursework and select one of the options to complete their studies through advanced courses. Each option is organized to reflect the current scholarship and practices in the field and allows students to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and a philosophical understanding specific to their future role as a teaching practitioner in the field of Physical Education and/or Health Education. In addition, students have multiple early field experience in K-12 physical education or K-12 physical education and health education, prior to their capstone experience: a full semester Internship in Teaching leading to K-12 certification in Physical Education or K-12 certifications in Physical Education and Health Education.

Physical Education Professional Activity Courses

The 2000 level, 1.5 credit courses are letter graded for the majors and minors in the Department of Health and Human Performance only.

Physical Activity Skills Courses

The Physical Activity Skills courses are one credit electives designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn and engage in a wide variety of physical activities, with the goal of promoting health and lifelong participation in physical activity. These 1000 level courses are graded Pass/No Pass.

Program Coordinator, Health Education & Promotion; Physical Education
Phone: (603) 535-2517
Office: Health & Human Enrichment, Human Performance Center Rm 203C, MSC 22, Plymouth, NH 03264
Request Information


Curriculum & Requirements

Course Title Credits
Major Requirements
±Ê·¡Ìý2735Motor Development3
±Ê·¡Ìý3720Motor Learning3
·¡³ÝÌý3580Physiology of Exercise3
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
and Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II
General Education
±õ³§Ìý1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
MAMathematics Foundations3-4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 14-8
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection3-4
Option Requirements
Complete one from the following required options:64-75
Physical Activity and Sport Leadership Option
Physical Education Teacher Certifcation
Physical Education/Health Education Teacher Certifcation
Total Credits121

Directions should total 16-17 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sports Leadership Option; BS Physical Education, Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Certification Option; and BS Physical Education, Teacher Certification Option.

Physical Activity and Sport Leadership Option of BS Physical Education

Students may graduate with a BS in Physical Education (Physical Activity and Sport Leadership Option). The Physical Activity and Sport Leadership Option provides students with an option to equip students with foundational knowledge and skills for careers in a variety of physical activity and sport settings.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
±Ê·¡Ìý2550Foundations of Physical Education (TECO)3
±á±á±ÊÌý1000Introduction to HHP Disciplines0
±Ê·¡Ìý2405Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance2
±Ê·¡Ìý2860Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý3565Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education (QRCO,WRCO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý3610Adapted Physical Education (DICO)3
°ä°äÌý3780Sport in Society3
³§²ÑÌý3100Administration of Athletics3
±á·¡Ìý3670CPR/AED & First Aid; Basic and Instructor Training (WECO)3
Professional Skills Activity Courses:
Select a minimum of 4.5 credits from activity courses below: 4.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2440Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms3
±Ê·¡Ìý2950Territorial and Striking/Field Activities3
±Ê·¡Ìý2424Net and Wall Activities1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2425Lifetime/Leisure Activities1.5
Professional Fitness-related Activity Courses
Select one of the following courses below:1.5
Flexibility, Core, and Balance Training
Burdenko Conditioning
Resistance Training Techniques
Selected courses in Health and Human Performance
Select one of the following courses below:3
Wellness Choices for Healthy Living (WECO)
Stress Management (WECO)
Applied Nutrition for Healthy Living (TECO)
Professional Practicum/Internship Experience
Select one of the following courses below:3-12
Physical Education Practicum (minimum of 3 credits required)
Physical Education Internship
Quantitative Reasoning in the Discipline Connection
Writing in the Discipline Connection
Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education (QRCO,WRCO)
General Education
INCPIntegrated Capstone3-4
Total Credits66-78

Students who have a valid certification from professional organizations do not have to take ÌýCPR/AED & First Aid; Basic and Instructor Training (±á·¡Ìý3670). Students must present evidence of current certification. Students must take another course(s) for a total of 3 credits offered by the Department of Health and Human Performance to replaceÌýÌýCPR/AED & First Aid; Basic and Instructor Training (±á·¡Ìý3670).

Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Certification (K-12) Option of BS Physical Education

The Educator Preparation programs at ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp are approved by the New Hampshire Department of Education. The University is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Teaching Education (AACTE).

Graduates who complete the double Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Certification Option are prepared to teach both physical education and health education and become eligible for K-12 teacher certification in the state of New Hampshire. Because of New Hampshire’s membership in the Interstate Certification Contract, Plymouth graduates are eligible to earn a certificate or license in another Contract state upon application to that state’s department of education. Receiving states may have a difference in grade range and may impose certain requirements that must be met within a reasonable period of time. For further information, please see the Holmes Center for School Partnerships and Educator Preparation section. Requirements for certification may change, subject to changes made by the New Hampshire Department of Education. Teacher candidates can find the most current standards at the New Hampshire Department of Education website.

Early clinical experiences within the university setting, practica in school settings, and the full semester teaching internship provide perspective to the theories and applications as learned in the core and double option.

Admittance into the Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Certification Option is based on the following criteria:

  • minimum 42 credits earned
  • minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50
  • completion of 15 of the required 45 hours of community service
  • passing PraxisTM Core Academic Skills for Educators
  • meeting with the Coordinator of Teacher Education for Health Education, Physical Education, and Physical Education/Health Education
  • 2 faculty evaluations
  • minimum grade of C in each of the following courses:
    Course Title Credits
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2405Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance2
    ±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2424Net and Wall Activities1.5
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2425Lifetime/Leisure Activities1.5
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2440Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2550Foundations of Physical Education (TECO)3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2860Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO)3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2950Territorial and Striking/Field Activities3

All Physical Education majors seeking teacher certification are required to become a Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America member by the time they enroll in Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction (±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415) and to maintain that membership through graduation.

Candidates in the Physical Education PE+HE Teacher Certification program need to be competent in the areas of Standard First Aid and Adult, Child, and Infant CPR/AED. Competency includes instructor certification. The requirement can be met by earning certification by completing a class at a college/university or through the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council or Emergency Care Safety Institute. This requirement must be met prior to the Internship in Teaching.

All teacher candidates who interact with students in public school settings through course-related field experiences, including Internship in Teaching, are subject to New Hampshire state legislation that requires a full disclosure criminal records check completed by the university prior to acceptance into teacher candidacy by the end of the 2nd year(sophomore). This may include fingerprinting. The processing of the criminal records check is conducted at the site school before the clinical experience begins. The fee for this processing is the responsibility of the teacher candidate and is paid directly to the school district. Each new site will require a separate fingerprinting and background check. Inquiries should be directed to the Holmes Center for School Partnerships and Educator Preparation.

In order for teacher candidates to participate in clinical experiences in diverse settings that are essential for their development as teachers and required for accreditation, teacher candidates must be willing and able to travel outside of the Plymouth area beyond walking distances. All Internship in Teaching candidates should plan for and be able to secure their own transportation by the junior year.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
±Ê·¡Ìý2405Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance2
±Ê·¡Ìý2406Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance Lab1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction3
±Ê·¡Ìý2424Net and Wall Activities1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2425Lifetime/Leisure Activities1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2440Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms3
±Ê·¡Ìý2550Foundations of Physical Education (TECO)3
±á±á±ÊÌý1000Introduction to HHP Disciplines0
±Ê·¡Ìý2860Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý2950Territorial and Striking/Field Activities3
±Ê·¡Ìý3020Instructional Strategies I - Elementary 13
±Ê·¡Ìý3050Instructional Strategies I: Elementary Physical Education Teaching Lab1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý3315Curriculum Design and Implementation2
±Ê·¡Ìý3565Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education (QRCO,WRCO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý3610Adapted Physical Education (DICO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý4040Instructional Strategies II - Secondary 23
±Ê·¡Ìý4050Instructional Strategies II: Secondary Physical Education Teaching Lab1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4815Teaching Seminar in Physical Education and Physical Education Health Education1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4730Internship in Teaching, K-1212
·¡³ÝÌý3580Physiology of Exercise3
±á·¡Ìý3105Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Resources in Health Education3
General Education
INCPIntegrated Capstone3-4
Group A
Complete one course from the following:1.5
Flexibility, Core, and Balance Training
Burdenko Conditioning
Resistance Training Techniques
Health Education Content Courses
Complete courses from the following:12
Applied Nutrition for Healthy Living (TECO)
Drug Behavior (WECO)
Current Issues in School Health Education
Sex and Family Living (WECO)
General Education
Total Credits73-74

Instructional Strategies I - Elementary (±Ê·¡Ìý3020) requires a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50.


Instructional Strategies II - Secondary (±Ê·¡Ìý4040) requires a minimum grade of C in Instructional Strategies I - Elementary (±Ê·¡Ìý3020) and Instructional Strategies I: Elementary Physical Education Teaching Lab (±Ê·¡Ìý3050), and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.60.


Internship in Teaching, K-12 (±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4730)Ìýrequire a minimum grade of C in Instructional Strategies II - Secondary (±Ê·¡Ìý4040) and Instructional Strategies II: Secondary Physical Education Teaching Lab (±Ê·¡Ìý4050), and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.70.

Teacher Certification (K-12) Option of BS Physical Education

The Educator Preparation programs at ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp are approved by the New Hampshire Department of Education. The University is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE).

Graduates who complete this Teacher Certification Option are eligible for K-12 teacher certification in the state of New Hampshire. Because of New Hampshire’s membership in the Interstate Certification Contract, Plymouth graduates are eligible to earn a certificate or license in another Contract state upon application to that state’s department of education. Receiving states may have a difference in grade range and may impose certain requirements that must be met within a reasonable period of time. For further information, please see the Holmes Center for School Partnerships and Educator Preparation section. Requirements for certification may change, subject to changes made by the New Hampshire Department of Education. Teacher candidates can find the most current standards at the New Hampshire Department of Education website.

Human needs and development, pedagogical principles, skill acquisition, the science of human movement and many other related topics are practiced and demonstrated. Early clinical experiences within the university setting, practica in school settings, and full semester teaching internship provide perspective to the theories and applications as learned in the core and option.

Admittance into the Teacher Certification Option is based on the following criteria:

  • minimum 42 credits earned
  • minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50
  • completion of 15 of the required 45 hours of community service
  • passing PraxisTM Core Academic Skills for Educators
  • meeting with the Coordinator of Teacher Education for Health Education, Physical Education and Physical Education/Health Education
  • 2 faculty evaluations
  • minimum grade of C in each of the following courses:
    Course Title Credits
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2405Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance2
    ±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2424Net and Wall Activities1.5
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2425Lifetime/Leisure Activities1.5
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2440Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2550Foundations of Physical Education (TECO)3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2860Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO)3
    ±Ê·¡Ìý2950Territorial and Striking/Field Activities3

All Physical Education majors seeking teacher certification are required to become a Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America member by the time they enroll in Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction (±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415)Ìýand to maintain that membership through graduation.

All teacher candidates who interact with students in public school settings through course-related field experiences, including Internship in Teaching, are subject to New Hampshire state legislation that requires a full disclosure criminal records check completed by the university prior to acceptance into teacher candidacy by the end of the 2nd year (sophomore). This may include fingerprinting. The processing of the criminal records check is conducted at the site school before the clinical experience begins. The fee for this processing is the responsibility of the teacher certification candidate and is paid directly to the school district. Each new site will require a separate fingerprinting and background check. Inquiries should be directed to the Holmes Center for School Partnerships and Educator Preparation.

In order for teacher candidates to participate in clinical experiences in diverse settings that are essential for their development as teachers and required for accreditation, teacher candidates must be willing and able to travel outside of the Plymouth area beyond walking distances. All Internship in Teaching candidates should plan for and be able to secure their own transportation by the junior year.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
±Ê·¡Ìý2405Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance2
±Ê·¡Ìý2406Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance Lab1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction3
±Ê·¡Ìý2424Net and Wall Activities1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2425Lifetime/Leisure Activities1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2440Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms3
±Ê·¡Ìý2550Foundations of Physical Education (TECO)3
±á±á±ÊÌý1000Introduction to HHP Disciplines0
±Ê·¡Ìý2860Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý2950Territorial and Striking/Field Activities3
±Ê·¡Ìý3020Instructional Strategies I - Elementary 13
±Ê·¡Ìý3050Instructional Strategies I: Elementary Physical Education Teaching Lab1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý3315Curriculum Design and Implementation2
±Ê·¡Ìý3565Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education (QRCO,WRCO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý3610Adapted Physical Education (DICO)3
±Ê·¡Ìý4040Instructional Strategies II - Secondary 23
±Ê·¡Ìý4050Instructional Strategies II: Secondary Physical Education Teaching Lab1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4730Internship in Teaching, K-1212
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4815Teaching Seminar in Physical Education and Physical Education Health Education1
General Education
INCPIntegrated Capstone3-4
Group A
Complete one course from the following:1.5
Flexibility, Core, and Balance Training
Burdenko Conditioning
Resistance Training Techniques
General Education
Total Credits69-71

Instructional Strategies I - Elementary (±Ê·¡Ìý3020) requires a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50.


Instructional Strategies II - Secondary (±Ê·¡Ìý4040) requires a minimum grade of C in Instructional Strategies I - Elementary (±Ê·¡Ìý3020) and Instructional Strategies I: Elementary Physical Education Teaching Lab (±Ê·¡Ìý3050), and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.60.


Internship in Teaching, K-12 (±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4730)Ìýrequire a minimum grade of C in Instructional Strategies II - Secondary (±Ê·¡Ìý4040) and Instructional Strategies II: Secondary Physical Education Teaching Lab (±Ê·¡Ìý4050), and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.70.

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

To complete the bachelor’s degree in 4 years, you must successfully complete a minimum of 15 credits each semester or have a plan to make up credits over the course of the 4 years.Ìý For example, if you take 14 credits one semester, you need to take 16 credits in another semester.Ìý Credits completed must countÌýtoward your program requirements (major, option, minor, certificate, general education or free electives).

Required Options in this Major

Complete one option

Physical Activity and Sport Leadership

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MAMathematics Foundations 3-4
±õ³§Ìý1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
·¡±·Ìý1400 Composition 4
±Ê·¡Ìý2550 Foundations of Physical Education (TECO) 3
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
±Ê·¡Ìý2405 Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance 2
Year Two
µþ±õÌý2110 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2860 Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO) 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2735 Motor Development 3
or ±Ê·¡Ìý2440
Territorial and Striking/Field Activities
or Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms
Electives 3
µþ±õÌý2120 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3720 Motor Learning 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3610 Adapted Physical Education (DICO) 3
or ±Ê·¡Ìý2425
Net and Wall Activities
or Lifetime/Leisure Activities
Select One 1.5
Flexibility, Core, and Balance Training
Resistance Training Techniques
Burdenko Conditioning
Year Three
±Ê·¡Ìý3570 Kinesiology 3
³§²ÑÌý3100 Administration of Athletics 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3565 Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education (QRCO,WRCO) 3
HEÌý3000 Special Topics in Health Education 3
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SIDI, SSDI) 4
·¡³ÝÌý3580 Physiology of Exercise 3
°ä°äÌý3780 Sport in Society 3
Electives 6-7
Select One 3
Applied Nutrition for Healthy Living (TECO)
Stress Management (WECO)
Wellness Choices for Healthy Living (WECO)
Year Four
INCPIntegrated Capstone 4
linkurl^/general-education/#GACO^GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3-4
Electives 7-8
or ±Ê·¡Ìý4880
Physical Education Practicum
or Physical Education Internship
Electives 3-12
ÌýTotal Credits120

Required for the Option

Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Certification (K-12) Option of BS Physical Education

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Plan of Study Grid
Year OneCredits
·¡±·Ìý1400 Composition 4
±õ³§Ìý1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MAMathematics Foundations 3-4
±Ê·¡Ìý2405 Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance 1 2
±Ê·¡Ìý2406 Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance Lab 1 1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415 Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2424 Net and Wall Activities 1 1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2425 Lifetime/Leisure Activities 1 1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2440 Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2550 Foundations of Physical Education (TECO) 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2735 Motor Development 3
Complete one Group A Course from the following: 1 1.5
Flexibility, Core, and Balance Training
Burdenko Conditioning
Resistance Training Techniques
Elective 0.5
Year Two
±Ê·¡Ìý2860 Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO) 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2950 Territorial and Striking/Field Activities 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3020 Instructional Strategies I - Elementary 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3050 Instructional Strategies I: Elementary Physical Education Teaching Lab 1 1
±Ê·¡Ìý3570 Kinesiology 3
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
and Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II
CTDICreative Thought Direction 3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 3-4
SSDISelft and Society Direction 3-4
Year Three
±Ê·¡Ìý3565 Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education (QRCO,WRCO) 1 3
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý3315 Curriculum Design and Implementation 2
±Ê·¡Ìý3720 Motor Learning 3
·¡³ÝÌý3580 Physiology of Exercise 3
Health Education Elective: 1
or ±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2000
Disease, Safety, and Environment (WECO)
or Wellness Choices for Healthy Living (WECO)
±á·¡Ìý3105 Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Resources in Health Education 1 3
Complete three Health Education Content Courses from the following: 1 9
Stress Management (WECO)
Applied Nutrition for Healthy Living (TECO)
Drug Behavior (WECO)
Sex and Family Living (WECO)
Women's Health Issues (WECO)
ISÌý4360 Cultural Diversity and American Society (DICO,INCO) 1 3
Year Four
±Ê·¡Ìý4040 Instructional Strategies II - Secondary 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý4050 Instructional Strategies II: Secondary Physical Education Teaching Lab 1 1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4815 Teaching Seminar in Physical Education and Physical Education Health Education 1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4730 Internship in Teaching, K-12 12
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 2 4-8
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3
ÌýTotal Credits120

Required for the Option


Directions should total 16-17 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Physical Education, Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Certification Option.

Teacher Certification (K-12) Option of BS Physical Education

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Plan of Study Grid
Year OneCredits
·¡±·Ìý1400 Composition 4
±õ³§Ìý1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MAMathematics Foundations 3-4
±Ê·¡Ìý2405 Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance 1 2
±Ê·¡Ìý2406 Concepts of Fitness and Skill Performance Lab 1 1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý2415 Introduction to Physical Education & Health Instruction 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2424 Net and Wall Activities 1 1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2425 Lifetime/Leisure Activities 1 1.5
±Ê·¡Ìý2550 Foundations of Physical Education (TECO) 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2735 Motor Development 3
Complete one Group A Course from the following: 1 1.5
Flexibility, Core, and Balance Training
Burdenko Conditioning
Resistance Training Techniques
CTDICreative Thought Direction 3-4
Year Two
±Ê·¡Ìý2440 Elementary Activities, Gymnastics and Rhythms 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý2860 Adventure Programming for Physical Educators (WECO) 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3020 Instructional Strategies I - Elementary 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3050 Instructional Strategies I: Elementary Physical Education Teaching Lab 1 1
±Ê·¡Ìý3570 Kinesiology 3
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
and Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II
PPDIPast and Present Direction 3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 3-4
Elective 1-3
Year Three
±Ê·¡Ìý2950 Territorial and Striking/Field Activities 1 3
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý3315 Curriculum Design and Implementation 2
±Ê·¡Ìý3610 Adapted Physical Education (DICO) 3
±Ê·¡Ìý3720 Motor Learning 3
·¡³ÝÌý3580 Physiology of Exercise 3
ISÌý4360 Cultural Diversity and American Society (DICO,INCO) 1 3
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 2 4-8
Electives 7.5-9.5
Year Four
±Ê·¡Ìý3565 Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education (QRCO,WRCO) 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý4040 Instructional Strategies II - Secondary 1 3
±Ê·¡Ìý4050 Instructional Strategies II: Secondary Physical Education Teaching Lab 1 1
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4730 Internship in Teaching, K-12 12
±Ê·¡±á·¡Ìý4815 Teaching Seminar in Physical Education and Physical Education Health Education 1
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3
Electives 4-5
ÌýTotal Credits120

Required for the Option


Directions should total 16-17 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Physical Education, Teacher Certification Option.

In addition to the departmental outcomes, students who complete a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education are able to:
  • Demonstrate disciplinary content and concept knowledge appropriate for an entry level practitioner/professional.
  • Demonstrate competent performance of a variety of psychomotor skills related to physical fitness, sports/games, adventure pursuits, aquatics and rhythmic/expressive movement and psychomotor activities.
  • Describe performance concepts and strategies related to skillful movement and physical activity.
  • Describe and apply biophysical (anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical) and psychosocial concepts to skillful movement, physical activities and fitness.
  • Describe and discuss current issues in the area of human performance based on historical. Philosophical and sociological perspectives
  • Demonstrate knowledge of, and commitment to professional standards and ongoing professional development.

The Undergraduate Physical Education Program offers 3 options: Physical Education K–12 Teacher Certification, Physical Education and Health Education K–12 Teacher Certification, and Physical Activity and Sport Leadership (non-certification).
Students graduating in the options of Physical Education K-12 or Physical Education and Health Education K-12 Certification are primarily prepared to teach K-12 students in public and private schools, but could also work in recreation programs, after-school physical activity programs, YMCA/YWCAs, summer camps, and athletic programs.
Students who graduate with the non-certification option, Physical Activity and Sport Leadership, are prepared to work with individuals of all ages in a variety of physical activity-settings. Examples may include coaching, summer camps, YMCA/YWCAs, youth centers, senior centers, after-school physical activity programs, Special Olympics, etc., depending on their focus.

Explore Program Details

Early field experiences are provided that include on and off campus opportunities within each TC course. Candidates in the Physical Education and Physical Education/Health Education teacher certification program spend approximately 500 hours in field, clinical, lab, and student teaching experiences during the four years at ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp (PSU). These experiences are progressive and are categorized as observing, assisting or teaching opportunities.

The following courses incorporate practical experience either on campus or within the surrounding community of Plymouth. Each learning experience requires a culminating, written document addressing both NH and SHAPE America Initial PETE and SHAPE America Initial HETE Standards:

PE 2415

Introduction to Physical Education and Health Instruction - 10 hours in the public school (K-12) working with certified elementary or secondary physical education teachers in one school or in multiple schools.

PE 3000

Instructional Strategies I/PE 3050 Instructional Strategies I - Elementary PE Teaching Lab*: Teacher candidates are required to complete a total of 35 hours at the elementary level working with a certified elementary physical education teacher. The 35 hours are to be utilized in the following way: 3-5 hours (classes) of observing; 5-10 hours (participating/assisting); 20-25 total hours (teaching episodes) of teaching physical education in K-6 public schools. During this experience TC's will use systematic observation tools during the observation hours. The TC will assist the physical educator in any way needed including but not limited to taking attendance, handing out equipment, setting up and transitioning learning spaces, working with small groups, or leading warm-ups, or assessing students. During the 20-25 hours of teaching, TC's are expected to do all of the following: prepare lesson plans; share lesson plans with cooperating teacher at least two days prior to teaching class; develop and implement at least one motor skill or psychomotor assessment and develop and implement one additional cognitive assessment OR behavioral checklist; and reflect on lessons taught and administered assessments.


Adaptive Physical Education - TC's are required to complete a 10 hour assignment assisting and volunteering in a physical activity setting of their choice with an individual or group of individuals with disabilities. This experience may include experiences such as: Special Olympics, Recreational Programs, adapted physical education classes, or experiences one on one with an individual in the home/family environment. Additionally the class works with the instructor with local Special Olympics coaching basketball, dance, and track and field.

HE 3105

Teaching Strategies, Methods and Research in Health Education. Candidates in the PEHE Option complete a 20-hour teaching practicum with a certified health education teacher in a K-12 setting. Each candidate spends a minimum of 5 weeks for 4 hours per week in the public school. This practicum requires candidates to observe/assist and teach each week. Lesson plans and assessments are presented to the mentor teacher prior to the instruction of each episode.

PE 4000/PE 4050

Instructional Strategies II - Secondary Teaching Lab. This fourth-year experience requires 10 weeks of teaching for a minimum of 4 hours per week assisting and instructing in a public school under a certified physical education instructor. Candidates in the PEHE program are assigned to a certified physical education and health education teacher. The use of technology, interdisciplinary opportunities and teaching styles are stressed during this experience to enhance student learning for all. In addition to the individual teaching practicum cited above, candidates are provided with collaborative teaching experience between a nearby secondary school and PSU (15 hours). Candidates observe and instruct a 90-minute lesson (set induction, fitness, focus, culminating activity, closure) agreed upon by the instructor, mentor teacher and candidates. The teaching environment is the gymnasium. Use of technology (audio, visuals, LCD, heart rate monitor, pedometers, flip cameras) is utilized to 1) motivate students and 2) reinforce concepts taught in class. Three distinct assessment opportunities are incorporated into this experience. First, a candidate is charged as the 'principal of the day" and using a provided form, the principal observes and evaluates the lesson and submits a written analysis of the instructor. Second, the professor evaluates the teaching using a distributed form that stresses the pedagogy and planning content. Third, the PE4040 class conducts a brief oral overview of the teaching experience including both specific areas of proficiency and concern.


Internship in Teaching - The TC is required to complete this field experience in a public school under the supervision of a certified physical educator and health educator (PEHE) across 15 weeks. An Internship Teaching Handbook is provided to support the TC and Mentor Teacher. TC spend approximately 400 hours in the field during their student teaching experience. In addition, TC are required to complete a variety of projects including one to increase levels of physical activity either before, during or after school.

In order to address placements of all students, practicum sites are within 30 mile of campus; whereas the Internship in Teaching is within 45 minutes of the university.

TCs are provided a corresponding field experience handbook for each experience that includes all necessary templates forms and outlines responsibilities relative to professionalism and instruction.

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