James Whiting
About Professor Whiting
James Whiting has three decades of experience in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) as a teacher and teacher-trainer in the United States and overseas.
His research interests include advocacy in TESOL, and English language learners in low-incidence settings.
He is a past-President of Northern New England TESOL, where he also served as the New Hampshire state representative on the Executive Board.
Professor Whiting holds a K-12 ESOL teaching license in Vermont.
Courses Taught
LI 2000 Introduction to Language and Linguistics
LIDI 2950 Language Acquisition
LI 3500 Research in Applied Linguistics
TE 4100 TESOL Methods
TE 4820 Designing and Evaluating Language Tests
TE 5005 TESOL Methods and Practices,
TE 5006 Language Assessment
TE 5960 Teaching Internship in TESOL
Selected Publications
- Advocacy in English Language Teaching and Learning. Linville, H. & Whiting, J. eds. NY, NY: Routledge, 2019.
- Beyond the Philosophy Statement: Bringing Advocacy Center Stage in TESOL Teacher Education in Advocacy in English Language Teaching and Learning. Linville, H. & Whiting, J. eds. NY, NY: Routledge, 2019.
- Caught Between the Push and the Pull: ELL Teachers’ Perceptions of Mainstreaming and ESOL Classroom Teaching NABE Journal of Research and Practice, v. 8, 2017
- Training ELL Teacher-Advocates, TexTESOL IV Fourth Estate, v. 32 n.2, Summer. 2016.
- Using Comics in the English Language Classroom, Idiom v.46 n.3 Fall, 2015.
- Teacher-Leaders in Low-Incidence ELL Settings: Implications for Pre-Service Leadership Training, New Hampshire Journal of Education, v. XV, Spring 2012.
- Key Behaviors of Successful College ELLs Idiom v.40 n. 3, Fall, 2010.
- The Effects of Multimedia Input on Comprehension of a Short Story, TESL-EJ. (with S. Granoff), v. 14 n. 2, Fall 2010.
- Student Podcasts: Oral Assessment and e-Portfolios, AccELLerate v.2 n. 4, Summer 2010.
- Addressing the Isolation of Low-Incidence ELL Settings Through Professional Learning Communities, New Hampshire Journal of Education, v. XIII, Spring 2010.
Selected Presentations
EL Teacher-Advocacy: TESOL Graduate Programs’ Charge, International Conference on Language Teacher Education, June, 2019
- Putting TESOL Advocacy Into Practice, (Panel Discussant), TESOL International, March, 2018
Community and Advocacy: ELL Teachers in Low-Incidence New England Schools New England Educational Research Organization, May, 2017
- Teaching and Evaluating Advocacy in TESOL Teacher Education Programs International Conference on Language Teacher Education, February, 2017
- How to Support LGBTQ Voices in Threatening EFL Contexts (Roundtable Discussant), TESOL International, March, 2016
- ELL Teachers’ Perceptions of Push in and Pull Out Teaching New York State TESOL Association, November, 2015
- Training ELL Teacher Advocates International Conference on Language Teacher Education, May 2015
- Caught Between the Push and Pull: ELL Teachers Perceptions of Mainstreaming Massachusetts TESOL Association, May 2015
- Who’s An ELL? A Cautionary Case Study TESOL International, Toronto, March, 2015
- Using Comics in the English Language Classroom, US Department of State Office of English Language Programs Shaping the Way We Teach series. November, 2014
- Using Comics in the Language Classroom New Hampshire World Language Teachers Association, October, 2014
- Teacher-Leaders in Low-Incidence ELL Settings: Pre-Service Leadership Training International Conference on Language Teacher Education, May, 2013
- Podcasts for Oral Language Assessment Portfolios Northern New England TESOL, November, 2010
- The New Nativism & The Role of ELT Professionals (Roundtable Discussant) Northern New England TESOL, November, 2010
- From Isolation to Community for Teachers in Low-incidence Settings TESOL International, Boston, MA, March, 2010
Fellowships and Awards
- Fulbright Scholar, TEFL/Applied Linguistics, 2006 – 2007 University of Panama, Panama City, Panama, United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Senior English Language Fellow, Kaliningrad, Russia, 2003 – 2004 United States Department of State, Office of English Language Programs