³È×ÓÊÓƵapp offers many helpful campus resources to support students in their learning and emotional well-being. These resources provide students with valuable assistance in making connections in the community, academic support, services related to safety and protection of students’ rights/wellbeing, physical health services, financial support, and career services.
Please see below to learn more about the services available to PSU students.
Community Involvement/Making Connections
Student Experience serves as a resource for Student Clubs and Organizations and provides exciting events for the campus community.
- Office Location: Hartman Union Building (HUB), Second Floor, Room 110
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2690
- Email Contact: Melina Baker
The Office of Community Impact fosters transformative learning experiences for PSU students to engage in active citizenship, explore their sense of purpose, and grow into conscious leaders who cultivate love and connection throughout our local and global communities. Provides volunteer, community engagement, and service learning opportunities to PSU students.
- Office Location: Hartman Union Building (HUB), Second Floor, Room 118
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2372
- Email Contacts: Jessica (Jess) Dutille
Plymouth State’s Campus Recreation is recognized within the National Recreation-Intramural Sports Association (NIRSA) as one of the premiere Small School Programs in the country. The department offers many program areas from Fitness, Informal Recreation, Intramural Sports, Sport Clubs and our new eSports Program. The department values focus on student development, quality, safety, inclusion, and fun!
- Office Location: Hartman Union Building (HUB ), Second Floor, Room 115
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2958
- Email Contact: Drew Guay
Provides information about team sports at PSU.
- Office Location: PE Center or ALLWell North
- Phone Number (Main): (603) 535-2770
- Emails & Specific Office Phone Numbers:
Provides a safe and enriching environment where students live, learn and grow. Whether you are a new or returning student, a transfer or international student, Residential Life is looking forward to working with you to make your experience on campus a successful and positive one. Residential Life employees Community Advisers (CAs), whom are student workers available to other students as a resource in their residence halls. CAs can be helpful in referring students to available campus resources. Dining staff can also be helpful in reviewing what options might fit specific dietary restrictions.
- Office Location: In Residence Halls & Speare Administration Building, Room 218
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2260
- Email: reslife@plymouth.edu
The IDEA Center supports belonging, success and empowerment for students and employees across diverse identities and experiences at ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp.
- Campus Location: 1 High Street, Plymouth, NH
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2363
- Email Contact: Alberto Ramos
The Reflection and Spiritual Care Center houses the Office of Campus Ministry. It is a place to relax, take a deep breath, light a candle, and browse a book on any spiritual subject in our library. Located in Samuel Read Hall Building across from Lamson Library, the Center and its staff are open to and respectful of people of faith and of different perspectives. It is available to students, staff, and faculty as a quiet and restful space; you do not have to use it for religious purposes.
- Office Location: Basement of Samuel Read Hall
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2673
- Email Contact: Kate Neal
The goal of the Office of Military Services is to provide support to all members of our military community (active, reserves, guards, retired, and military dependents). We will work with you to limit academic challenges, build relationships with other members of our military community, work through any challenges with your benefits, and connect you with community and national resources to navigate all of life’s challenges. Whether you need a space to vent or a solution to an issue (big or small) we are here to be on your team. We’ve got your six!
- Office Location: Hartman Union Building (HUB), First Floor, Room 037
- Email Contact: Jacqui Nelson
Assists students in providing the following services: International Student Services, Study Away Advising, National Student Exchange, International Student Exchange, and Short-term trips.
- Office Location: IDEA Center, 1 High Street, Plymouth, NH
- Phone Number: (603) 535-3370
- Email: psu-geo@plymouth.edu
Academic Support
The primary goal of Plymouth Academic Support Services (PASS) is to collaborate with undergraduate students in becoming efficient, independent learners. Our program components of TRIO Student Support Services and Tutoring are designed to engage students in developing effective learning strategies and skills to enable them to enjoy academic success.
- Office Location: Speare Administration Building, Room 209
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2270
- Email Contact: Patti May
The mission of the Writing Center is to provide the entire PSU community with the skills and resources they need to succeed as writers and thinkers across the curriculum. We strive to listen well and to create confidence and independence. Through one-to-one or small-group consultation, they respond to the needs of writers at any stage of the writing process, on any type of project. They offer a welcoming and inclusive environment to all writers and they recognize that everyone benefits from consultation.
- Office Location: Lamson Library - Lower Level
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2831
- Email Contact: Jane Weber
CAS recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity that is integral to society and to our campus community. CAS staff work with admitted PSU students to ensure equal access to PSU academic programs and services. Whether transitioning from high school, community college, or another university, it’s important to be aware of the process to request accommodations and/or auxiliary aids due to a disability or temporary health condition. All disability accommodations are determined through an interactive process that requires the engagement of both the student and CAS staff.
- Office Location: Speare Administration Building, Room 210
- Phone Number: (603) 535-3300
- Email Contacts: Lindsay Page or Sydney Bellimer
The Plymouth State Academic & Career Advising Center has three commitments to guide and prepare students for academic success and the world of work. Discover – help students identify their unique strengths and qualities, explore their interests and identify academic and career paths. Develop – provide students meaningful opportunities and knowledge to become academically and career ready. Distinguish – position students with the confidence to articulate their academic and career readiness abilities and how they can contribute to the world of work.
- Office location: Speare Administration Building, Room 108
- Phone Number: (603) 535-3065
- Email Contacts: Academic Advising & Career Development
The librarians at Lamson Library offer support in researching books, articles, and other media for your papers and projects. They are now booking appointments online.
- Office location: Lamson Library
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2455
- Email: psu-lamsonlibrarians@plymouth.edu
The ASA is a part of an inter-divisional team for academic affairs and student affairs located in Frost House. The ASA provides advice, guidance, and support for students in matters that may affect their academic standing or progress toward a degree. The ASA works collaboratively with other campus offices to resolve both simple and complex issues in a timely and efficient manner, and may be consulted for issues including but not limited to taking a leave of absence from PSU, withdrawing from PSU, grade disputes, allegations of violating the Academic Integrity Policy, student absences from classes, and general classroom concerns.
- Office Location: Frost House
- Phone Number: (603) 535-3294
- Email Contact: Dr. David Zehr
The registrar’s office provides service in support of academic actions and registration, publishes the academic calendar and academic catalog, maintains the student’s academic transcript, and oversees degree auditing and graduation while determining eligibility for participation at commencement. The team maintains this website to promote self-service for on-demand information regarding these items, provides videos to support registration steps, and oversees the Banner Self-Serve and the DegreeWorks progress-to-degree platforms.
- Office Location: Speare Administration Building, 1st Floor
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2345
- Email: psu-registrar@plymouth.edu
Campus Safety and Protection of Student Rights/Well-being
The University Police Department provides policing services 24 hours a day, 7-days a week. They are staffed with certified police officers authorized to provide services throughout both communities of Plymouth and Holderness. The University Police are the primary responders to criminal matters and security needs on our Plymouth and Holderness campus locations. They are also responsible for the apprehension and prosecution of criminal offenders on the campus of ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp. Policing needs that occur off campus are generally served by local police. Their priority is to work with students, faculty and staff to foster a safe environment for those working, visiting, and living within the campus community.
- Office Location: University Police Department - 2 High Street, Plymouth, NH
- Police Emergencies Only: (603) 536-1626
- Ambulance, Fire, Police: Call 9-1-1
- Business/Office Line or to Request Services: (603) 535-2330
- PSU Alert Line: (603) 535-3535
- Dial this number for school cancellations and weather alerts
- Tip Line: (603) 535-8477
- Leave confidential voice message tips
The Frost House is home to student support services, academic student advisor, student rights and responsibilities related to student conduct, information for parents and families, and references/verifications.
- Office Location: Frost House
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2206
- Email Contact: Janette Wiggett
The ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp C.A.R.E. program provides holistic intervention and resource referral to connect students to appropriate campus and local resources supporting their success at PSU.
- Office Location: Speare 202
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2405
The Title IX Coordinator, located in the Frost House, is responsible for ensuring the University has a prompt, thorough, and equitable response to matters involving sexual misconduct, discrimination, and discriminatory harassment. Students and campus community members may privately consult with the Title IX Coordinator to access supportive measures and to learn about their rights afforded under federal and state law and University Policy. Formal grievance and informal resolution options are available to individuals to support restoring their educational and/or work environment following an incident.
- Office Location: Frost House
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2206
- Email Contact: Janette Wiggett
Provides student support, advocacy, and resource navigation services and oversees the C.A.R.E. (Concern, Awareness, Referral, and Engagement) process.
Office Location: Speare Administration Building 202
Phone Number: (603) 535-2405
E-mail Contact: Matthew Toms
The Ride Safe program is intended to provide a University Police escort to a student in extenuating circumstances who do not wish to walk alone.
- Office Location: University Police Department - 2 High Street, Plymouth, NH
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2330
Mental Health and Physical Health Services
The PSUCC provides brief individual counseling, group counseling, and consultation services to students. The PSUCC also provides consultation services to faculty, administrators, and parents/guardians/family members.
- Office Location: The ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp Counseling Center (near Hyde Hall)
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2461
Provides compassionate and professional health care to students. Committed to promoting, maintaining & improving the health and wellbeing of the entire student.
- Office Location: Mary Taylor House – 12 Merrill Street, Plymouth, NH
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2350
Provides support for questions about dietary restrictions, managing weight gain/loss, sports nutrition, special diets, nutrition tips, and more.
- Office Location: Prospect Dining Hall
- Email Contact: Abigail Turner
Provides support regarding connecting with community substance use recovery programs.
- Office Location: Reflection & Spiritual Care Center, Basement of Samuel Reed Hall
- Phone Number: (603) 254-5090
- Email Contact: Marcia Morris at mmorris11@plymouth.edu or morris.marcia@gmail.com
Financial Support
Student Financial Services is the student billing office. Their mission is to provide you (students, parents, faculty and staff) with the highest level of customer service by assisting you in a professional and courteous manner. They are committed to providing you, our students, with the most timely and accurate billing information possible and hope the information on our Web site will assist you in meeting your financial responsibilities at ³È×ÓÊÓƵapp.
- Office Location: Speare Administrative Building, Room 118
- Phone Number: (603) 535-2338 or toll-free at 1-877-846-5755
- Email: psu-sfs@plymouth.edu
A student led organization with the mission of keeping students in school through short term emergency assistance and long-term student support. The Student Support Foundation operates the campus food pantry and creates a culture of philanthropy on our campus.
- Office Location: Hartman Union Building (HUB), Office of Community Impact, Second Floor
- Food Pantry Location: HUB, Second Floor, Room 118
- Phone: (603) 535-3274
- Email: psu-ssf@plymouth.edu or Casey Krafton