The student board of the Student Support Foundation offers several solutions for food insecurity.

Swipe It Forward
If you are a current PSU Student, the Swipe It Forward program is available to provide meal swipes. Please reach out to to start the process.
Community Cupboard
Formerly referred to as the "Food Pantry鈥, The Community Cupboard is available to undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at 橙子视频app. The Community Cupboard is located on the second floor of the Hartman Union Building, Room 118. This space has essential items including, food, school supplies, toiletry items, and small appliances.
- Access the Community Cupboard with your Student ID: Students no longer need to request appointments to visit the space, and simply need to request to be added to the door ID access list: . This allows you to visit the space any time the Hartman Union Building is open, simply by swiping your Student ID at the Community Cupboard door.
- Please note, card access is available after filling out the request form. For immediate access, please visit the Student Life Suite and a staff member will happily let you in!
Satellite Pantries
There are additional satellite pantries located in Boyd Science Center and the Human Performance Center. The pantry in Boyd is on the second floor between offices 201A and 201B; the pantry in the Human Performance Center is in the second floor lobby, by the wall with the T.V. on it.
Donate to SSF
Our pantry is kept supplied thanks to our incredible community of donors. For details about donating to the SSF Pantry, go to Donating to the Student Support Foundation.
Other Sources of Food in the Community
- Plymouth Congregational Church provides a Little Free Food Pantry, which you can find to the left of the church on Main Street (address for GPS: 4 Post Office Square, Plymouth, NH).
Consider volunteering at these community meals, where you serve people meals and eat with them:
- on Thursdays, 4:45 p.m. 鈥 6 p.m., in the basement of the Plymouth Congregational Church on Main Street in Plymouth.
- You do not have to sign up to serve at these meals. We encourage you volunteer beginning at 4:45 p.m. on the day listed and say that you would like to help.