Accessible Parking
For vehicles with a state issued handicapped plate or placard, handicapped parking will be available in the lot near the PE Center on Field House Road off Holderness Road/Rt-175A. Golf carts will be available near the shuttle stop for those with walking difficulties.
For vehicles without a handicapped plate or placard, parking for Commencement will be available in the lots located at the Ice Arena on Holderness Road/Rt-175A. Golf carts will be available near the entrance of the parking area to bring guests with mobility limitations to ALLWell North. For guests not able to walk long distances, a drop-off area will be located on the left as you enter the parking area from Holderness Road/Rt-175A.
Building Access
At ALLWell North, use the lower lobby entrance to access the elevator. Ambassadors will be available to assist you and can be identified by their black lanyard.
Ambassadors will be available in the seating area and can be identified by their black lanyard. Based on your specific need, they will assist you with seating accommodations.
Live Captioning
The ceremony will include live captioning visible on the three large projection screens at ALLWell North and the live stream at
After the Ceremony
Golf carts will be available outside the lower entrance to ALLWell North to bring guests with mobility limitations back to the parking area. Your patience is appreciated, as the time immediately after the ceremony is busiest. Rest assured that all guests needing a ride will get one.
Police will direct traffic after the ceremony. Holderness Road/Rt-175A will be closed to all westbound vehicular traffic except emergency and maintenance vehicles. All traffic will be directed toward I-93. For those wishing to return to the main campus or downtown Plymouth, please use I-93 North at Exit 26.
More Questions?
Email the Commencement Accessibility Coordinator.