Admission Process

To enroll your child at the Center for Young Children and Families, please print out the Admission Application and return it to the address on the application or call the Center at (603) 535-2299 and we will send you an application.

The Process:

The CYCF accepts applications from the Plymouth and surrounding communities, as well as from members of the Plymouth State community. Any current PSU faculty, staff or students taking a minimum of 6 PSU credits per semester receive highest priority and are considered in the order the applications are received at the CYCF. Once the obligation to PSU has been met, any remaining slots open in programs are open to the general community. All applications are considered in the order the applications are received at the CYCF. The Center does reserve the right to take applications out of order to address specific needs of the University, the Center and its programs. Please note that no child may apply to the Center before he or she is actually born.

PSU CYCF Application for Admission


橙子视频app Affiliation:
(A minimum of 6 PSU credits per semester is necessary for student status.) Please include PSU ID # so we may verify student status.

Child's Information

Parent or Guardian Legally Responsible for Child

1st Contact
Mailing Address

Parent or Guardian Legally Responsible for Child:

2nd Contact
Mailing Address

Additional Information

Has the child previously experienced out-of-home child care?
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