Student Classroom Aide/Work Study Information

The Center for Young Children and Families hires 40-70 Student Classroom Aides each semester. Priority is given to those students who receive work study, but any student regardless of major or work study status will be considered. Students must have a strong commitment to working with the children and the Center. Fingerprint/Criminal Records Checks are required of all students working at the Center. The cost of this process is the responsibility of the student.

Priority will be given to applications received two months before the start of the semester, but we will accept applications at any point, so please do not hesitate to fill out an application.

Once you are employed, you will receive a copy of our Student Classroom Aide Handbook. You will be given a form to fill out which demonstrates that you have read and understand the information contained in this handbook. New employees of the Center are also required to attend an Orientation at the beginning of the semester.

To apply, please either complete the electronic form below and click submit, or print and send the PSU CYCF Work Study or Student Hourly Application.

PSU CYCF Work Study or Student Hourly Application

Your Information

Do you have Work Study money?
(If you’re not certain, please verify by accessing the Self-Service section in myPlymouth.)

Coursework & Experience

 If so, please list. If no, please write "N/A."
Are you an Early Childhood Education & Youth Development major?


PSU Faculty or Staff preferred. Please provide phone number and address of any non-PSU reference.

Reference 1

Reference 2

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