For Faculty and Staff

Staff and/or Dependent Waivers

Faculty/Staff Eligibility for Tuition Waiver Benefits

A faculty/staff member is eligible for the tuition waiver benefit following successful completion of the initial introductory period following employment in a benefits-eligible position. Generally, the staff introductory period is six months. For purposes of this policy, the completion of the faculty initial introductory period shall mean following two (2) semesters of benefits-eligible employment.

The level of coverage for the tuition benefit is as follows:

% Time Appointments # Of Courses per Fiscal Year Maximum # of Courses per Semester
76% – 100% up to 5 2
51% – 75% up to 3 2
50% up to 2 1/2 1

* Most Summer Session courses are counted in the beginning of the fiscal year, i.e., a course taken in June is counted against the next fiscal year (except MBA summer courses which are counted against the current fiscal year.)

For faculty and staff members the tuition benefit covers enrollment in any regular credit courses offered by USNH institutions. This benefit includes full University paid coverage for the courses and any mandatory fees generally required of the other students (this does not include any additional course fee). The plan also provides a 50% tuition waiver for regular non-credit courses for employees only. The benefit is included with the total number of courses permitted.

Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent Children Eligibility for Tuition Waiver Benefits

A faculty or staff member must be employed in a benefits-eligible position for one year on or before the first day of classes in the semester for which application is made for a tuition waiver for his/her spouse/domestic partner/dependents.

The level of coverage for the tuition benefit

Spouses/same sex domestic partners, and dependent children of full time, benefits-eligible faculty and staff may enroll in any of the regular credit courses at 1/2 the current in-state tuition rate.

Tuition waivers are pro rated for spouses/same sex domestic partners, and dependent children of flex-year employees and are equal to the employee’s percent time appointment.

Example: The spouse of an employee with a 50%-time appointment is eligible for a tuition waiver equal to 50% of one-half of the in-state tuition.

This benefit is not cumulative; that is, if both father and mother are employed by USNH, one-half of the current in-state tuition for their dependent child or children must be paid.

Obtaining Tuition Waiver Forms

You can complete a tuition waiver form online through .

** Important Note: All forms need to be approved by your Human Resources Office before they can be processed by Student Financial Services.

If you have questions about your child care bill for the Center for Young Children and Families, or to sign up for Child Care Payroll Deductions, please contact us at or (603) 535-2338.