Financial Essentials

Plymouth Campus in the fall

This is a busy and exciting time; we realize you have a lot of information to take in. Here are some crucial links to help you through the billing and payment process:

Orientation Presentation â€” The same Student Financial Services presentation you saw at orientation, here for your reference.

Billing Information â€”  PSU IS PAPERLESS â€” bills are available online to the student and to those who have been granted access by the student. No paper bills are mailed! Learn about scheduled dates bills will be available online, bill due dates, how to access the bill, and other important billing information.

Family Access â€” The quick and easy way students can grant others access to: view their online bill, discuss specifics of the bill with Student Financial Services, receive important bill notification emails, purchase FlexCash, and more. When a student invites someone to Family Access, that person will receive an email from the system containing a clickable link to confirm the relationship and set up their own myPlymouth account. Due to federal regulations we can only discuss specifics of the bill with the student and anyone to whom they have granted Bill View in Family Access. 

Undergraduate Online Bill Estimator â€” This tool can help estimate what you will owe before your bill is available online. You can even check the effect different room and board choices will have on your bill.

Payment Methods â€” You have options! Learn about ways to pay your bill and the information you’ll need to pay with your preferred option(s). Remember, any combination of these methods can be used to cover your bill. PSU is paperless — bills are available online to the student and Family Access members who have been granted access. No paper bills are mailed!

Nelnet Monthly Payment Plans â€” A popular way to cover college costs by making lower monthly payments rather than paying a lump sum. Check it out today — the earlier you start your payment plan the more months you’ll have to stretch your payments over.

Outside Scholarships â€” If you are receiving any non-PSU scholarships, be sure to follow these steps so they can be processed accurately.

 â€” You’ll be receiving important information there from several university offices.

Contact us â€”  We’re here to help.